Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Opened some stuff tonight...

Ok, not really "opened", but I did take some recent online purchases out of their shipping boxes and look at them. I opened three Gentle Giant busts (Dengar, the Jawas and Leia) then took a look at my recently arrived Gentle Giant Premiere Guild gifts. It consisted of:

  • A very flimsy messenger bag (that is too small for a laptop, but might hold some messages in paper form).
  • A Star Wars bust up I already have.
  • A set of Simpsons bust ups. I've never collected these, but they're damn cool.
  • A Gentle Giant Mouse Pad.

Not bad, considering they've also sent out a poster and the Boba Fett Silver Bust Up to me. I'm not sure if that's worth 50 bucks, but when combined with the fact that I won the raffle for the Clone 5 pack....it's not too shabby.

On Christmas break, I'm going to do some mad opening and picture posting. Watch for it.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Christmas spending embargo

Well, it's that time of year. I'm not supposed to buy myself any toys whatsoever. This is a self-imposed annual tradition that I do. In the spirit of the holiday, I try not to buy anything for myself and simply focus on others. The disclaimers include pre-orders (I have a Sideshow figure on the way I ordered during the summer), and things I've asked friends to buy for me and pay them for during the month.

Other than that...no buying, all month. 30 days to go. This is day ONE. :-)