Friday, January 26, 2007

A new year, some new clones

2006 has started off with a bang. I guess I need to rename the blog "Another year in the life of a Star Wars collector". Or I could call it: "the life of a Star Wars collector"

It matters not.

Anyway, when Christmas was over and done with, it was time once again to begin shopping. I have this rule that I can't shop for anything for myself during the month of December and I stayed true to that rule once again. That means that I completely missed out on the Mace Windu clone pack that hit Target during that month.

Thank the maker for Rebelscum!. I posted a classified ad there and within 24 hours, I had all the Mace Clones I need on the way to my house, for reasonable prices. How many you ask?

Just take a look:

Anyway, I had a late night tonight (discussed briefly on my regular blog), so I better get to bed. Tomorrow morning, I've got to get up and pre-order the RAH Boba Fett!


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